We are proud of our community and we are honoured to support the many organizations who continue to improve the quality of life for so many in Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo.
Sponsorship & Donation
Acden’s corporate sponsorships enable us to connect with our clients, employees and community in meaningful ways. Our efforts are concentrated in Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo and typically focus on the areas of:
Community Development
Precedence is given to initiatives supporting the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN).
Limitations and Exclusions:
Except in special circumstances as identified and approved by Acden, community investment does not provide support for:
Requests from outside Alberta
Travel for individuals or groups
Third party fundraisers and/or professional solicitors
Religious organizations (except for those with non-faith based purposes)
Political events
Private schools
Individual memberships for retail, fitness or recreational services
Any organization that discriminates on the basis of race, religion, creed, gender, age, physical challenge, sexual preference or national origin
All requests must be submitted using Acden's online request tool.
Acden will manage all requests in a timely manner, however, please allow up to 2 weeks for a response from the date received. If approved, please allow a minimum of 30 days to complete your request.
Acden is Proud to Support:
Fort Chipewyan: ​
ACFN Christmas Celebration
ACFN Cultural Gathering
ACFN Elders’ New Year’s Celebration
ACFN Treaty Days
Camp Voyageur
Fort Chipewyan Canada Day Celebration
Fort Chipewyan Community High School
Fort Chipewyan Winter Carnival
Shoes for School
Uncle Fred Elders’ and Youth Lodge
Fort McMurray:
Adopt A Trail
CMHA Alberta Wood Buffalo Region (First Responders Golf Tournament)
RMWB Canada Day Parade
RMWB Community Clean Ups
RMWB WinterPLAY Festival
Young Women in Energy